Dandy Donates Blankets to Guthrie Cancer Center

Members of the Dandy team stopped by the Guthrie Cancer Center at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre to drop off 40 Dandy “Pink Cup” blankets with notes from their staff for our patients.
Dandy’s “Pink Cups for a Cure” campaign is a success again this year with Dandy donating a percentage of the purchase of each large coffee sold in a Pink Cup at all 66 locations throughout the Twin Tiers. Money raised will go to the Guthrie Breast Care Fund, which helps breast care patients receiving treatment at Guthrie with the cost of medication, post-surgical supplies, diagnostic testing, and other items not covered by insurance.
“Dandy is proud to continue our partnership with Guthrie and all of the local patients supported by the Guthrie Breast Care Fund,” said Bill Bustin, Marketing Director, Dandy Mini Marts, Inc. “The blanket donation is simply a comfortable, warm representation of our support. Our staff wrote notes of encouragement for the patients receiving the blankets to let them know we’re thinking of them. The Pink Cups campaign is growing, and we couldn’t do it without our customers and amazing Dandy team members!”
To learn more about the “Pink Cups for a Cure” campaign or to make a donation, please visit www.Guthrie.org/dandypinkcups.