Chrome Divas Raise Money for Renzi Cancer Center

The Chrome Divas of Cortland hit the road again this year to raise money in the fight against breast cancer. The annual Chrome Divas and Dudes for a Cure Breast Cancer Awareness Ride held earlier this month raised $2,200, which was presented to the Cortland Memorial Foundation in support of the Renzi Cancer Center at Guthrie Cortland Medical Center.
“We are so grateful to the Chrome Divas (and Dudes!),” said Sheila Ossit, Cortland Memorial Foundation Director. “Year after year, they continue to raise awareness and funds for our breast cancer patients. Their event was filled with inspiring stories, laughter, tears, friendship, a lot of pink, and yes, tattoos! Great people for a great cause.”
The Chrome Divas mission is to build a positive image of women motorcyclists and enthusiasts, promote motorcycle safety, elevate consciousness of automobile drivers, and create awareness of women and children's issues while giving back to our communities, but most importantly, to ride and have fun!
“We all know someone who has/is going thru breast cancer,” said Toni Miller, Chrome Divas of Cortland NY Director. “It's our responsibility as women to hold each other up in good and bad times.”
Planning is already underway for next year’s ride.